Cover all the Bases to Keep Your Blood Sugar Levels Low

We’ve all heard about blood sugar levels many times, folks, but I have to drive home how important it is to keep yours under control. A lot of people have blood sugar levels that are too high, which puts them on the road to diabetes, and they don’t even know it yet. According to the Centers for Disease control and Prevention, about one out of every three adults in the U.S. is pre-diabetic (

You probably already know that exercising and watching what you eat are two solid ways to keep those blood sugar levels in check. However, to truly keep yourself on the right side of those glucose tests, there are other things to keep in mind beyond a good diet and regular workouts.

Your stress levels matter

When you are stressed, your body releases hormones that make your blood sugar levels go up. When you’re able to minimize and manage your stress, your blood sugar levels will stay lower more often and have an easier time lowering if they do happen to spike.

If you’re under chronic stress and it’s not managed, you could be experiencing blood sugar levels that are elevated regularly, and it becomes harder to your body to get out of that crisis mode. Try some stress-busting techniques to help keep your stress under control. The right approach for you will depend on a lot of factors, but you can try meditation, yoga and other mindfulness practices to help ease your stress and release tension.

You need good, regular sleep

Sleeping properly helps your body function at its best and reduces your level of stress. Not getting enough sleep can cause your blood sugar levels to rise in a similar way to insulin resistance, which is a hallmark of diabetes development. On top of that, too little sleep increases appetite–leading to weight gain, another thing that impacts your blood sugar in a negative way–and reduces your sensitivity to insulin.

When you are exhausted, your body will secrete a hormone known as cortisol, and this can lead to higher blood sugar levels and weight gain over time.

It’s tough for lot of people to get the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep a day most adults need, but it is possible. Adjust your daily schedule so you can get the amount of sleep you need every night.

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