
Bring It Down

You go to the doctor for a regular checkup or because of some minor complaint, and they take your blood pressure. That’s a pretty regular thing. But this time, they tell you it’s too high. What should you do now? The doctor tells you need to bring your blood pressure down. This seems a bit […]

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Body And Mind

In the quest for better performance, professional athletes are constantly looking for new ways to improve, and they don’t do it on their own. They have physical therapists, nutritionists and experts from every relevant field. In the modern world, that also means a sports psychologist. In fact, anyone can benefit from paying attention to their

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Taking Care

It’s hard to understate the importance of your skin. Without it, your entire body would fall apart. It’s also what protects you from all those things in the outside world that may cause you harm. That means it’s at particular risk from everything from wounds to weather. Taking care of your skin isn’t just about

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