
Think About It

Some people might think that being concerned about aging is superficial. After all, it’s mostly about how you look, isn’t it? While there can be some aches and pains, isn’t it all pretty minor in the grand scheme of things? Everyone has to go through it. Well, just because you think something is unimportant doesn’t […]

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Speaking Out

There was a time when the slightest hint of mental illness would lead to a person being spirited away to an asylum, possibly to never be seen again. Thankfully, we’re a long way from those days, but there can still be a stigma when talking about mental illness. As more and more people speak openly

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Panic Attacks

Anxiety is associated with several different diagnosable conditions, but symptoms tend to overlap. Mentally, there’s the persistent and often irrational worrying. Physically, there’s everything from shortness of breath to sweaty palms and headaches. Some of the more severe reactions may fall under the category of panic attacks. A panic attack is a particularly intense period

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An Expanding Web

There’s depression that’s just a low mood, and there’s depression that’s an actual medical disorder with diagnostic criteria. Well, even that’s not strictly true; there are several conditions with similar symptoms that come under the heading of mood disorder and the subset of depressive disorder. What you probably think about when you hear the term,

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Early Warnings

You may have heard people talking about diabetes in terms of type 1 and type 2, with maybe an occasional reference to gestational diabetes. There is another word that’s useful to know though, and that’s “prediabetes”, the informal description of the stage just before you develop diabetes proper. It’s important because if you know the

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